Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Break

Summer is here and for most of us that means busy busy schedules! The Ladies Auxiliary has decided to take the summer off and will resume meeting again in September to start planning our Harvest Party. Enjoy your summer everyone!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Race for the Cure

You may know that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. What you may not know is that you can help these women and thousands of others in the fight against breast cancer.

On May 9, 2009, we will be participating in the Komen Boise Race for the Cure with a great team of dedicated people- YOU!!! Join the fight by registering as part of our team or by supporting our efforts with a pledge contribution. The money raised through the Race will fund vital education, screening and treatment programs for underserved women in our own community and support the national search for a cure. We need your support! Every step counts! Go to and register as part of the: "Meridian Fire Ladies Auxiliary" team headed by Tristi Hendrick!

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, March 28th, the First Annual Meridian Fire Department Easter Egg Hunt was put on by the Ladies Auxiliary at Station 5. The kids hunted for Easter eggs outside the station and inside the bays and goodies were enjoyed by the kids and parents! Karla & Verlyn Brower were also kind enough to provide an artwork table for the kids to color and paint at. Sparky (a big thank you to Jaren Jones) even made a special visit for the kids! We hope that this is the first Easter egg hunt of many to be enjoyed by the kids (and the parents) of Meridian Fire Department!

Group picture with Sparky!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Thursday, January 1, 2009

MFD Children's Christmas Party

Meridian Fire families had a great time at the annual Children's Christmas Party. Party goers donated gifts to Toys for Tots and enjoyed games, food and a visit from Santa! Thank you to the Ladies who organized this event! You did a great job!

Click on the link to view more pictures from the party!
If you can't click on it then just copy and past to your address bar.

Winterland Parade

The Ladies Auxiliary participated with an entry in the Meridian Winterland Parade. Members of our group and our families walked behind one of the fire engines passing out candy and Junior Fire Fighter badge stickers. We had a great time and are looking forward to next years parade!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rake Up Meridian

During this Thanksgiving Holiday, the Ladies Auxiliary and our Fire Fighters had a great time giving a little more to the community by helping those out those in need. We were able to go out and rake up leaves for a couple of homes in our community. Thank you to all of those who participated and organized this project!

(sorry for some reason this will not load and this was the only other way I could figure it out.)